best female physiotherapist in Dhaka

The time is now to take the services of best female physiotherapist in Dhaka

Physiotherapy Services and Arthritis Care Center, Nikunj provides a high-quality physiotherapy service in combination with best female physiotherapist in Dhaka. So, keeping in mind the benefits of women in today’s age, we are ready to provide quality physiotherapy services with highly skilled female physiotherapists. Our expert female physiotherapists are committed to providing you with quality physiotherapy services.

Women are generally less interested in receiving physiotherapy services from male physiotherapists. Considering these needs, we provide separate physiotherapy services to women by government-trained female physios.

Why providing physiotherapy services by women is so important to us?

We all know that Bangladesh is a predominantly Muslim country. This country has a 90% Muslim population. Since Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority country, women are very sensitive about their veils. If they are asked whether they would take services from female physios or male physios, their maximum answer would be that they would take services from female physiotherapists.

Considering this demand, we provide high-quality physiotherapy services only for women to women in our physiotherapy centre with expert female physiotherapists. So, why delay and visit our Physiotherapy Services and Arthritis Care Center, Nikunj today to avail quality physiotherapy services from our expert ladies?

What services can you avail from our female physiotherapists?

The question may arise in the minds of many women who will receive physiotherapy services from physiotherapists: Are there any inadequacies in their provision of physiotherapy services? On our part, I will say to those who are bringing such thoughts to their minds that they should shake such thoughts from their heads. Because all female physiotherapists in our physiotherapy centre are highly trained. They can provide all kinds of physiotherapy services that women require.

The types of physiotherapy services you can avail from our female physios are as follows:

Hijama therapy

Back pain release

Muscle pain release

Knee pain relief

Pain relief

Back pain relief

Women’s Health


Group therapy


The above services can be availed through our following advanced physiotherapy machines:

UST ultrasound therapy

SWD Short Wave Therapy



CT cervical traction

LT lumbar traction

Wax Bath Therapy

IRR Inferred Ray

Shockwave therapy

Magneto therapy

We have been providing all the above services successfully for many years. We aim to provide the best and highest quality service to the customer. Also, our new addition is providing home service physiotherapy services. So, if you need home service physiotherapy services from sitting at home, contact us by clicking the call button on our website.

Get the services of a female physiotherapist for women at home

You have elderly parents at home but need to bring them to a physiotherapy centre for physiotherapy services. They need to be brought to the physiotherapy centre but they are not able to bring them to the physiotherapy center due to their age or illness. To ease your worries we provide Physiotherapy Services and Arthritis Care Center, Nikunj Physiotherapy Home Services by women for women.

So, our best female physiotherapist in Dhaka will visit your home and provide all types of physiotherapy services when you make a single call to us. Just one call from you, our expert female physiotherapists will deliver quality physio services at your doorstep.

Avail Moneyback Physiotherapy services from us

As far as we know, there is doubt as to why Moneyback provides Physiotherapy services in Bangladesh. From this place, we are the only one committed to delivering money-back physiotherapy services in Bangladesh namely Dhaka.

Suppose you call us to receive home service physiotherapy services for women. We sent a physiotherapist to your home and you received physiotherapy services from him. Now if you don’t get the service you want from him then you inform us and if the information you want is reasonable then we will give you your money back. But it must be conditional and possess rational reasons.

Why should you call our female physiotherapist the best physiotherapist?

At the high discretion of our authorities, we have got them to provide you with all kinds of physiotherapy-related services. Our physiotherapy centre aims to provide quality and accurate physiotherapy services. So, You contact us and accept our service. We are sure that none of you will be disappointed with our service.

Listen, see, understand then take our physio services

We will not try to force you to take our services. We will leave it to your complete discretion. If you accept services from us, we will have only one request for you. Finally, our request to you is that you must understand our previous client’s experience and related experiences about us before accepting our physio services.

If you see the reviews of our previous clients and can decide on your own that you should take your physiotherapy services from us then you can take physio services from us. We will not force you to take your physiotherapy services from us. So, we say listen, see, understand then take physiotherapy service from us.

Get the best physiotherapy services from the best female physiotherapist in Dhaka according to your needs now

As we have already said in the above discussion that we are providing all physiotherapy services through Best Physiotherapy. It will be no exception to get the physiotherapy services you need from Best Female Physiotherapist.

We are available 24/7 to provide all your physiotherapy-related services. So, You may not be too late to seek a quality physiotherapy service. So, stay with us, we will always play a sincere role in providing you with the best physiotherapy services.

Thank you from Physiotherapy Services and Arthritis Care Center, Nikunj

Lastly, thank you for staying with us this long. Finally, we want to assure you that if you want to get a good quality physiotherapy service, you must go to a good quality physiotherapist because a good physiotherapist can provide the highest quality physiotherapy services.

If you feel you can benefit from taking your physiotherapy services from us, contact us now and get the service you want. Also, you can get all the free consultancy of the best female physiotherapist in Dhaka for your stay-at-home mothers and sisters

To contact us call us: 01917789843

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